London garden in early June

The London garden in early June is starting to look ‘right’, but it has taken a long time! And it has been a long time since I contributed to Six on Saturday so time to begin again.

Secluded seating in the garden

The Fernery

This area next to the house is crammed with pots of ferns but I would like more colour. I am going to take cuttings from a cistus and plant those down the sunny side, with early irises and London Pride. They are all fairly hardy and tolerant so I stand a chance of success!

View from the bench in The Fernery, looking out to the garden

Two years ago I was wondering if I had too many fern! Obviously I just ignored those thoughts and added a few more. The bright geraniums have been moved closer to the seating area making this spot calmer.


Hydrangeas are proliferating around the garden. There are at least ten and I have plans for more in a new bed in the middle of the lawn!

Hydrangeas in the London garden in early June are only just colouring – they need another two weeks to be really impressive.


Green is good but what’s wrong with a little bling!

Arum Lilies

I remember these from my childhood and I love them so I have plans to spread them in the new bed. I just hope they will be happy in the ground, and so may keep one or two pots, which will also give height.

By the back door

The scent of the pinks at the back door is always welcoming and I look forward to the grasses flowering around them.

The Pavement Garden

I am very happy with the pavement garden, and I am pleased that my neighbours are enjoying it as well!

And that is the London garden in early June, and my Six on Saturday!

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