Core Landscapes & Open Garden Squares Weekend

Core Landscapes is an extraordinary social-purpose nursery lying between the Royal London Hospital and the redbrick St Augustine with St Philip’s Church, just off the Whitechapel Road in Tower Hamlets. In their own words: ‘…Core Landscapes transforms meanwhile spaces to promote positive mental health for all. We are a permanent movable garden and plant nursery using horticulture to improve peoples lives.This Whitechapel site in the heart of the East End is our third site move since 2009. Each move tightens the project and improves our ways to container grow – from salad leaves to hornbeams. There are a container-based orchards, herbaceous borders, pond, mini-allotment, garden and plant nursery. We also have a bus! Come and meet our fish – and buy some lovely plants…’. If you are a gardener in the East End of London, or the City, you must visit this garden and talk to its remarkable and resourceful manager!

The Church of St Augustine with St Philip and Core Landscapes
The Church of St Augustine with St Philip & Core Landscapes
The Royal London Hospital
The Royal London Hospital & Core Landscapes

Nemone Mercer runs the site single-handed on Tuesday with the help of volunteers who are all obviously interested in the work, and cheerful, and enjoy working for her. She is joined by another Core Arts colleague and a horticultural therapist trainer on Thursdays when they work with referrals.

Volunteers repotting cuttings
Volunteers repotting cuttings
Volunteers repotting cuttings
Volunteers repotting cuttings
One of the volunteers at Core Landscapes
One of the volunteers at Core Landscapes

There are plants galore for sale, and Nemone and the volunteers are on hand to give advice about what is suitable for your particular garden and that awkward corner. And if you have a garden and don’t know what to do with your excess plants, or prunings, take them along to Core Landscapes where the team will take cuttings and bring them on for sale. It’s just a small contribution but it will make a big difference, and it means you don’t have to throw away all your excess plants.

Core Landscapes' Nursery
Core Landscapes’ Nursery

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The small vegetable garden is productive, as is the container-grown orchard.

Apple trees grown in containers
Apple trees grown in containers

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The Greenhouse is a ‘workhorse’, rainwater is harvested, there is a Bug Hotel production line, and the bus is a meeting house and classroom – amazing!

The Greenhouse at Core Landscapes
The Greenhouse at Core Landscapes
Rainwater harvesting
Rainwater harvesting
Bug Hotel production
Bug Hotel production
The Bus Meeting Room & Classroom
The Bus Meeting Room & Classroom

There are even ‘pretty’ corners as well as functional areas, and somewhere to just sit and enjoy the calm.

Core Landscapes

Do visit during Open Garden Squares Weekend, or on opening days at any other time of the year.

Entrance to Core Landscapes on Stepney Way
Entrance to Core Landscapes on Stepney Way

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