Summer Solstice in The Fortnight Garden

Well, here we are, half-way through the year – almost at the Summer Solstice in The Fortnight Garden. The sun is about to turn round and head south which means we are on the downward slope to autumn… Some very welcome rain in the last week calmed down the very hot weather and that was good, but I think the high temperatures are about to return again. There is not a lot of change in the garden this week and the plants just continue to grow while I watch and try to stay calm, and sane.

1.Knautia Macedonica has finally decided to flower abundantly! It is in the border where I originally planted her, and anywhere else it can find a foothold, or perhaps I should say ‘roothold’!

2.American Pillar is absolutely gorgeous, falling all over the boundary fence. Unfortunately it is best seen from the road, or the neighbour’s garden – fancy having to walk into the road to see something in your own garden! But here she is, hidden away at the side of the house, over the fence and the woodstore.

3.Stipa Gigantea is flowering well this year and absolutely gorgeous in the evening when the sun shines through the flowers. Close up it is even more amazing. But what is really lovely are the little drops of dew on the leaves in the morning.

4.The lavender has started to open.

Lavender in the early morning

5.The Pinks are pretty, and highly scented. They were planted in pots a few seasons ago and have done really well this year.

6.The bees and the butterflies are everywhere when the sun shines! They particularly love the Nepeta which seems to drive them into a frenzy of activity.

And that is where I am at the Summer Solstice in The Fortnight Garden. It is very similar to a few years ago, although perhaps the plants are further ahead this year? Thank you again to The Propagator for unfailing cheerfulness in the face of adversity – much appreciated.


  1. I love your pollinator close-up photos! My knautia is doing well too. I grew it from seed, and the first year it didn’t flower. Funny though, it self-seeded last year and those plants are blooming! I also tossed deadheads into an area I call my Toss Garden (haha), and a lot have come up. Much easier to let volunteer than to try to plant!

  2. Lovely photos. The Knautia Macedonica is a lovely colour and those pinks are pretty. Maybe I should grow some in pots, they really do smell divine.

    • Thank you. The lockdown has been difficult for me and I am only slowly starting to feel a murmuring of creativity again. Even photography has been difficult. The Knautia is amazing and will go on flowering well into the autumn as long as I regularly deadhead. The pinks are lovely, and with scented petunias provide a good scent, with the curry plant in the background!

    • Thank you, but the sun is about to turn round! And yes, the garden is looking wonderfully abundant at the moment; sitting there in the evening, with a drink, when the wind isn’t blowing, is really lovely

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